Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking in the United Kingdom: Know It, See It, and Respond...

5 modules



Course Length
30 mins

Slave-Free Alliance



Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking in the United Kingdom: Know It, See It, and Respond...

Course Length: 30 minutes

Who should take this course? General public; anyone who wants to learn more about the prevalence of Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking in the UK and what steps they can take to prevent and report these crimes. 

Course description Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking in the United Kingdom: Know It, See It, and Respond... will shed light on the myths and facts of Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking in the UK. You'll learn what makes some people more vulnerable than others to being victimised by a trafficker; the industries, places and situations that are often leveraged by perpetrators for exploitation; why this egregious crime goes undetected so often and most importantly, how you can spot the signs of human trafficking in every day situations and take appropriate action on behalf of victims. 

Learning Objectives 

  • Define modern day slavery and human trafficking through concepts of “acts, means, and purpose” 
  • Describe the pervasiveness of and types of modern day slavery and human trafficking in the UK  
  • Identify the common victim vulnerabilities, signs, and indicators of modern day slavery and human trafficking 
  • Apply appropriate action steps if a potential MSHT situation is identified


By completing/passing this course, you will attain the certificate Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking in the United Kingdom Certificate

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Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking in the United Kingdom: Know It, See It, and Respond ...
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Added about 20 hours ago, by Ioan
Added about 22 hours ago, by Charlotte
Added 2 days ago, by Annabel
Added 3 days ago, by Kellyann
Added 4 days ago, by Endaf
Added 5 days ago, by Ian
Very informative
Added 8 days ago, by Arim
Added 9 days ago, by Huw
Added 12 days ago, by Tracey
Added 12 days ago, by Anne

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